Sunday 29 September 2013

Covert Affairs Season 1 - 2010, Piper Perabo, Christopher Gorham. Various Directors.

While looking around to try and think of how to phrase my review of this TV show, someone said it best. "Like movie popcorn, it won't fill you up or nourish you, but it's pretty darn tasty!" (Denise from a post on This sums the first season up for me perfectly.

The writing falls prey to the usual issues a show like this has, many writers equals many slightly different style of storyline. This isn't to say that it is rubbish by any means. We actually have a heroine who, despite the occasional fashion faux pas when needing to run, uses her brain and other skills she has without having to resort to the usually written "ohh look I have boobs do what I want now please" routine.

There are times when the main actress (Piper Perabo) does look uncomfortable in the scene however these are so few and far between then you barely even notice. As for Christopher Gorham. Well I saw him in Jake 2.0 and thought "eh he is a passable actor" and then I saw him in this. I think this is the show that defines him as an actor, he plays the role of Auggie perfectly, and although you could tell in the pilot that he isn't actually blind, you have to remember its a pilot and the actors are still getting their feet sorted out on the ground.

I love Auggie and Annie's relationship because we finally have a platonic relationship that isn't ending in them having sex, far too many shows do this and it promotes the very common misconception that men and women can not have a friendship without sex so major kudos for the writers on that one!

All in all I am really enjoying this show so far, I still have 3 seasons to go but I am already not looking forward to the final episode. It's not the most dramatic and can be quite predictable at times, but it is fun and holds my interest which can be hard to do with shows like this.

Give it a try, after all if you never try you will never know ;)

Three thumbs up

- The truth points to itself

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